VALSAD distic Dharampur Police impounded a swift car of liquor and a piloting Wagoner car from four roads seized liquor worth 1,59200

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Liquor will be brought from four roads based on Batmi in the east received by the Dharampur police.
Dharampur Police Constables Rahul Chhagan Summersingh Shalat Singh Babu Gordhan and Constable Jignesh Ramesh and a team of PSI of Dharampur Police Station were setting up a blockade keeping an eye on all the vehicles coming from the Lakadmal Gate. than the driver sitting in it and . The cleaner left the car and ran away. In which the police found Indian-made English liquor and beer bottles from the swift car, a total of 1,416 bottles worth ₹1,69,200 were found.

Dharampur police had set up a watch near the third four road coming from Lakadmal gate during which a Wagenar car in which Om Prakash Singh and Isam named Rakesh were piloting a liquor-laden Swift car coming behind Police Wagenar car number gj 15 cm 17 15 Government vehicles on the way The police tried to stop him though .On seeing, Om Prakash Singh and Rakesh left the Swift car and ran away while the driver Shahid Asruddin Qureshi and Cleaner Shailesh alias Pako Chiku Jogi of the following swift car number gj 15 cb 32 78 drove away from the side of the car on seeing the police but the police stopped the car. Before the use of force, the road was blocked and the two cars managed to escape leaving behind the highway. Police searched the Swift car and found Indian-made foreign liquor and beer in various boxes and found a total of 1416 bottles worth

The police have seized goods worth ₹1,69,200 and the iPhone mobile and the value of both cars have been recovered from the car.Total goods worth ₹7,84,200 have been seized by the police and a case of prohibition has been registered and further investigation is underway.

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